Please Chew the Jewelry

The cat's not included. He just wanted you to know how handsome he is.

The cat’s not included. He just wanted you to know how handsome he is.

You know how little ones love to do a trapeze act on your jewelry?

One of my most fortunate Nana discoveries has been these necklaces made from food grade silicone. The baby can chew on them without harm (in fact, it helps with teething), and if she tugs too hard, the break away catch releases the strand. And saves you from strangling. It’s an instant toy you can wear around your neck! I have mine on whenever I watch my grandson, and if I need to give him a distraction for a second, I just pop off my beads and dangle them in front of him.

You can purchase these in the baby box stores for around $30, but I got my lovely purple set on Etsy for around $17. Look hard enough, and you’ll probably find cheaper.

Spoiler alert: my daughter and her mother-in-law will find these in their stockings this Christmas!