Balancing Baby Beads

Here’s another use for my favorite silicone chew beads.


Silicone teething beads can help you teach your baby to balance while sitting.

My grandson is four and a half months old, and starting to get the hang of sitting up, until – whoops! – he wobbles. Baby down! Fortunately, he’s also at the stage of the iron grip, where anything that gets into his little grasp stays there until his fingers can be coaxed open (frequently releasing strands of my hair. OW!)

Why “fortunately”? Well, why not use the iron grip to teach another skill? I pull out my silicone beads, open the clasp to make a long string, and place a bead in each of his hands about eight inches apart on the strand. Then I take the loose ends of the beads and hold the the string up straight and tight, pulling him into a balanced sitting position. If he leans to one side or the other, I pull to the opposite side and straighten him up.

Of course, eventually he decides that the beads should go in his mouth, so we take a chewy break, then start over.

Seriously, I know my daughter successfully survived her childhood, but how did I survive motherhood without these beads?!




Clouds From Both Sides Now

Cloud doughCloud dough, that is. A more traditional receipe as well as a safe-in-the-mouth version for the littles who have to taste everything they handle.

This creative tip was shared by a childhood friend who is now a proud grandmother living in Arizona. It comes from the Happy Hooligans website, where you’ll find loads of other great suggestions for kid-friendly crafts and activities.


Please Chew the Jewelry

The cat's not included. He just wanted you to know how handsome he is.

The cat’s not included. He just wanted you to know how handsome he is.

You know how little ones love to do a trapeze act on your jewelry?

One of my most fortunate Nana discoveries has been these necklaces made from food grade silicone. The baby can chew on them without harm (in fact, it helps with teething), and if she tugs too hard, the break away catch releases the strand. And saves you from strangling. It’s an instant toy you can wear around your neck! I have mine on whenever I watch my grandson, and if I need to give him a distraction for a second, I just pop off my beads and dangle them in front of him.

You can purchase these in the baby box stores for around $30, but I got my lovely purple set on Etsy for around $17. Look hard enough, and you’ll probably find cheaper.

Spoiler alert: my daughter and her mother-in-law will find these in their stockings this Christmas!


No More Nervous Noggin

Rae in Indianapolis shared this tip on helping a baby relax through scalp massage.

Babies love their scalps to be rubbed. Do be careful around the soft spots – like on the top of the head, at the temples and at the occipital areas. Watch your baby’s response to the massage and use gentle fingertip pressure in a circular motion. Oil is not necessary on the head. Position your baby’s head in a face-to-face position and watch your baby smile.

More info on Storknet:


My daughter’s dad used to do something similar to put her to sleep. He stroked the spot on her forehead between her eyebrows using a fingertip, moving from nose to hairline. It worked on the dog, too!

Puppy Pads for Poopy Pants

Sometimes you find yourself overwhelmed at the changing table. How did allllll that poop came out of one little person? How do you keep it from going everywhere?

This tip comes from Grammie Deb, in Iowa

Put a puppy pad on your changing surface so all the mess can be collected for disposal. Also carry them in the diaper bag for a clean surface away from home.

Deb adds that during the potty training phase a puppy pad can be placed in the car seat “just in case.”

Fold a Shirt like a Ninja

Packing to visit the grandkids? Climb Machu Picchu? Climb Machu Picchu with the grandkids? Okay, you’e just doing the laundry. This will blow your mind. And you thought you’d never do anything with geometry after high school!

DaveHax has more tips on his YouTube channel.


Nana Hacks!

Short cuts and life savers for grandmothers and care givers. 

What’s your go-to activity, your favorite website, your now-I-see-the-light instructional video? Let’s get networked! Send your suggestions by clicking here to access the Talk to Nana page, or send an e-mail to Scroll down or click here to go directly to the helpful hacks already posted.